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Limuru 3 Retains Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta as Mt Kenya Leader

4 months ago

Mt Kenya leaders affirm Uhuru Kenyatta as the region's kingpin for the 2027 General Election


In a significant development for the political landscape of Kenya, the leaders of the Mt Kenya region have unanimously decided to retain former President Uhuru Kenyatta as their leader. The decision was made during the Limuru III meeting, which was held in Kabuku to address the pressing issues affecting the region. This move aims to ensure a unified voice and a clear direction for the upcoming 2027 General Election. Let's delve deeper into the details of this decision and its implications.

The Unity of Mt Kenya Leaders:

During the Limuru III meeting, prominent leaders from the Mt Kenya region, including Martha Karua, Jeremiah Kioni, Gathoni Wamuchomba, Ndiritu Muriithi, and Ferdinand Waititu, came together to discuss the region's future. They expressed their unwavering support for Uhuru Kenyatta and acknowledged him as the undisputed leader until he officially steps down.

Seeking Consensus Ahead of Elections:

In their quest for a united front, the leaders called upon Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and Uhuru Kenyatta to convene a meeting and agree upon the region's course of action leading up to the upcoming elections. By doing so, they aim to ensure that the Mt Kenya region speaks with one voice and is well-prepared to address political and economic challenges.

Recognizing Uhuru Kenyatta's Support:

Wachira Kiago, the Chairman of the Kikuyu Council of Elders, highlighted Uhuru Kenyatta's unwavering support for the region. He emphasized that the Mt Kenya people had let him down by not fully endorsing the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), which included the crucial one man one shilling one vote policy. Kiago stressed the need for unity, transcending political affiliations, to guarantee the region's political representation and economic development.

No Intention to Install Another Kingpin:

George Maara, a former political aspirant, reiterated that the intention of the meeting was not to install a new leader but to provide a platform for the community to discuss their concerns. He emphasized that Uhuru Kenyatta was the recognized leader of the Mt Kenya region and would pass on the baton when he deemed it appropriate. The focus of the meeting was primarily on issues such as the one man one vote, one shilling policy.

Organizing a More Inclusive Meeting:

Jeremiah Kioni, the moderator of the Limuru III meeting, acknowledged that Uhuru Kenyatta was not involved in the gathering. However, he assured that another meeting would be organized to bring together all the leaders from the Mt Kenya region. This future meeting aims to foster greater collaboration and inclusivity in decision-making processes.

"The moment he issued a direction with the BBI, we failed to back him. He had informed the elders to help him popularize the BBI because if it sailed through, then the Mt Kenya region would be sorted upon his exit." - Wachira Kiago, Chairman of the Kikuyu Council of Elders.


The decision to retain retired President Uhuru Kenyatta as the leader of the Mt Kenya region showcases the unity and respect the leaders have for his leadership. By recognizing his continued influence, the leaders aim to ensure a cohesive approach for the upcoming 2027 General Election. This development holds significant implications for the political landscape of Kenya, emphasizing the importance of a unified voice and collective decision-making in shaping the future of the nation.

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