In a whirlwind of school and family drama, Ralph is grappling with a tense basketball game, where he’s torn between taking the final shot and letting his teammate, Josh, take it. Despite his confidence, Ralph's shot misses, and he’s left feeling the sting of defeat and the harsh comments from his peers. Meanwhile, Ralph tries to muster the courage to ask Kate to prom but is disheartened by the outcome. On the home front, Ralph’s hectic schedule and personal habits are causing friction with his family, particularly when he’s reminded about a crucial meeting. His daughter Britney is concerned about her weight due to her boyfriend’s hurtful remarks, and Benjamin, Ralph’s son, struggles with insecurity and his inability to approach his crush. Amidst these personal challenges, the family is also brainstorming creative advertising ideas, with a quirky suggestion to create “invisible” ads that disappear while people are scrolling through their phones.
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