The scene begins with a new student, Marty, joining the class. The teacher asks everyone to be welcoming, as Marty recently transferred due to being bullied at his previous school. However, Marty's unusual attire—a large box and a mask from a game called Genshin Impact—immediately draws ridicule from some classmates. They mock his appearance and question his interests, suggesting that his attire is part of an anime trend that they don’t understand.
Despite the teacher's instructions to stop the mockery and for Marty to remove the box and mask, the teasing continues. Marty’s attire and interest in Genshin Impact—a popular RPG game with various characters and a co-op mode—become targets for the students' jokes. One student, Chand, dismisses Marty’s interests as "anime crap" and continues to ridicule him.
Marty, feeling out of place, is reassured by a supportive teacher who encourages him to focus on his homework and assures him that making friends will take time. Despite this support, Marty remains skeptical about fitting in and wishes he could be homeschooled to avoid the social challenges. His situation highlights the difficulties of adjusting to a new environment and the impact of bullying on a student’s confidence and social interactions.
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