"Aswang si Yaya Liza" is a gripping Tagalog horror animation set in a quiet, rural barangay, where Yaya Liza, a beloved nanny, is known for her warmth and dedication to the children she takes care of. However, strange and unsettling occurrences begin to haunt the village—livestock mysteriously vanish, eerie sounds echo in the night, and shadows lurk in the dark corners of the forest. As fear spreads, rumors circulate that an aswang is preying on the community.
Anna, one of the children under Yaya Liza's care, begins to notice subtle yet disturbing changes in her yaya. Her once gentle eyes seem to glow ominously at night, and her behavior becomes increasingly secretive. Driven by fear and suspicion, Anna starts investigating, only to discover the terrifying truth—Yaya Liza is indeed an aswang. The once-trusted caregiver now embodies a dark, supernatural threat, turning the peaceful barangay into a place of terror and uncertainty.
This animated horror delves into themes of trust, betrayal, and the hidden dangers lurking within those we hold dear. As the story unfolds, it not only taps into the rich folklore of the aswang but also explores Yaya Liza’s backstory, revealing her tragic transformation into the creature she has become. With its dark, atmospheric visuals and a chilling narrative, "Aswang si Yaya Liza" is a psychological and supernatural horror that immerses viewers in a spine-tingling tale of fear and deception.
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