Bahay ng Aswang" is a Tagalog horror animation based on a true story about a family's chilling experience with an aswang in a remote village. The narrative follows Marco, who moves into a new house with his family, excited about their fresh start. However, they soon learn that the house has a dark reputation, rumored to be the dwelling of an aswang that terrorizes the neighborhood.
Strange occurrences begin to unfold—unexplained noises at night, shadows moving outside their windows, and the unsettling feeling of being watched. As the family grows increasingly uneasy, Marco’s younger sister goes missing one night, heightening their fears and prompting them to investigate the house's history.
They consult local elders, who share chilling tales about the aswang and its connection to the house. To protect themselves, the family performs rituals to ward off the creature, but the aswang grows more aggressive. The climax builds as they confront the malevolent spirit, seeking to reclaim their safety and peace.
"Bahay ng Aswang" explores themes of fear, family bonds, and the consequences of ignoring local legends. The animation highlights the rich folklore surrounding aswangs, emphasizing the need to respect the supernatural forces that inhabit their world.
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