"Mayabang na Kontraktor" is a Tagalog horror animation based on a true story about a boastful contractor named Rico who prides himself on his successful construction projects. Known for cutting corners and disregarding local customs, Rico soon faces the consequences of his arrogance when he disrespects a kulam (witch) during a project in a rural area.
After a heated confrontation with the local residents, who warn him about the importance of honoring local traditions, Rico dismisses their concerns. Shortly after, strange and unsettling events begin to plague his construction site—workers fall ill, accidents happen frequently, and the equipment malfunctions inexplicably.
As fear and paranoia spread among his crew, Rico consults a local albularyo (healer), who reveals that the kulam has cursed him for his arrogance and disrespect. To lift the curse, he must perform a series of rituals and make amends with the people he wronged.
In a gripping climax, Rico must confront the consequences of his actions and seek forgiveness from the kulam, learning that pride can lead to devastating results.
"Mayabang na Kontraktor" explores themes of humility, respect for cultural traditions, and the dangers of ignoring local beliefs, blending elements of horror with the moral lessons rooted in Filipino folklore. The animation serves as a cautionary tale about the repercussions of arrogance and the importance of community relationships.
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