Kwentong Antique" is a Tagalog horror animation based on a true story about a family living in a small village in Antique, known for its rich folklore and tales of aswangs and spirits. The story follows Liza, a young woman who moves back to her ancestral home with her family after years away. Excited to reconnect with her roots, she soon hears local legends about the aswang that is said to roam the area, preying on the unsuspecting.
As Liza settles in, she starts experiencing strange occurrencesâunexplained sounds at night, shadows moving in the corners of her eyes, and an overwhelming sense of dread. When her younger brother goes missing for a short time, Liza's fears intensify, and she becomes determined to uncover the truth about the aswang.
Consulting local elders, Liza learns about the history of the aswang in their village and how it has tormented families for generations. With the help of a local albularyo (healer), Liza performs rituals to protect her family and confront the dark forces at play.
The story culminates in a tense confrontation with the aswang, where Liza must confront her fears and protect her loved ones.
"Kwentong Antique" blends Filipino folklore with real-life horror, emphasizing themes of family, bravery, and the significance of cultural traditions in facing supernatural threats. The animation highlights the chilling experiences tied to the lore of aswangs in the Antique region.
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