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How To Get Pre Op Medical Clearance For Surgery

2 months ago

If you are intending to go for surgery, one of the important but neglected stages of a surgery process is pre operative medical evaluation. This is a routine check that is done to make sure that you are in perfect health as you prepare for the surgery in Consideration of your other medical conditions. Using Internet resources, maps and other logistics involved for a surgery that requires pre-op clearance it must be important to know how you can get this pre-op clearance when you are in Las Vegas.

So, in this article let us help you understand how to get your pre-op medical clearance in Las Vegas to help you prepare for your surgery well.

What is Pre-Op Medical Clearance?

Clearing is also known as preoperative medical assessment refers to a process whereby a patient is evaluated to determine suitability for surgery A clearing lasts for a shorter time compared to a preoperative assessment. This may be a clinical evaluation, history and examination, investigations, and especially when required, consultation with other physicians if one’s health status warrants so or the type of surgical procedure to be done on him or her.

Pre-op clearance is intended to assess for causes that could either complicate surgery or slow down recovery after surgery. Several routine check-ups may be required in such lifestyle diseases as diabetes, hypertension or heart diseases before the set surgery.

Steps to Obtain Pre-Op Clearance in Las Vegas

1. Schedule a Consultation with Your Primary Care Physician (PCP)

The first way of making progress in addressing the pre operative clearance in Las Vegas is to book an appointment with your PCP. There is always a chance that your primary care doctor will conduct a medical interview, physical examination, and review your drug or therapy regimen regardless the state of your health. If you are in a clinic/medical office, and never saw a family doctor there are also multiple ways to get a pre op Las Vegas.

  • During the consultation, be prepared to provide the following:
  • All the prescription medicines and any other medicines and other food supplements that are taken in addition to the doctor’s prescription in form of supplements or any herbs.
  • Problems with micro-region – operations, diseases of past periods.
  • Allergy/sensitivity related information.
  • Everything related to your activity (disclosed by the surgeon or the hospital).

2. Undergo Necessary Tests and Screenings

Depending on your general health and your type of surgery, your PCP or the surgeon may want you to undergo several procedures, that include: These could include:

  • Blood Tests: To check potentially for anemia infection or other blood related diseases or disorders that maybe hiding.
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG): Moreover, if you are over certain age or if you have had issues with your heart in the past, this testing will pick an arrhythmia.
  • Chest X-ray: In general, patient who are going to undergo major surgical procedures especially those in the thorax or abdomen should have a chest x ray.
  • Pulmonary Function Tests: These tests maybe done if previously you had lung problems it just means that the respiratory system can be checked on.
  • Urinalysis: For kidney functions and Intermenstrual cycle , Urinary tract infection.

It is worth stating that just about all clinics in Las Vegas offer some or the other kinds of lab tests within the clinic premise only.

3. Consult Specialists if Necessary

It is also important to tell the doctor if one has other heart complaint, diabetes, kidney disease or any other long-standing illness. For example:

  • Cardiologist: If you have cardiovascular disease, then before the surgery is done your cardiovascular system may undergo more strict screening.
  • Endocrinologist: For example in diabetes, an endocrinologist can ensure that your blood sugar level is well controlled before undergoing surgery.
  • Pulmonologist: Anytime there is a client with respiratory issues, a pulmonologist has to assess the lung ventilation of the client before administering anesthesia.

In Las Vegas It is also possible to get an appointment with many of the worlds leading specialist for the pre-op assessment. They also help to take you to the right specialist if your complication demands it, your primary care physician.

4. Review Your Medications and Adjust if Needed

Any anticoagulant medications, which you are taking before the surgery will also be reviewed by your doctor who will determine whether they need to be adjusted or stopped. For instance, the patient may be asked to stop taking blood thinners like aspirin or warfarin at least 3 to 5 days to the surgery in order to minimize a high risk of bleeding. Be sure to tell your healthcare provider all the medications that you are using, and you should also inquire from your doctor when you should reduce the dosage, or discontinue use of the drugs.

Also, if before the procedure you are going to be put on new medications or you will have to begin taking antibiotics, your doctor will give you directions.

5. Complete the Pre-Op Clearance Form

After their assessment and tests have been done on you by your doctor, you may be asked to fill a pre-op clearance form. This form often contains a list of all the tests you had, screenings, and consultations; plus an appraisal of your fitness for surgery. Once completed, your physician will forward your completed form to the surgical team or the respective hospital executing the procedure.

6. Submit the Clearance to Your Surgeon or Hospital

However, getting pre-op clearance in Las Vegas is not the final process, the clearance has to be forwarded to the medical team that is handling your surgery. Your surgeon or the hospital operational will ask for this to ensure that you are fit for surgery. If there are any worries or if other actions needed will be made by the surgical team to ask for more exams or change the plan.

7. Follow Pre-Surgery Instructions

When you get approval to undergo a surgery, there can be certain instructions that your surgeon or any healthcare professional would give you, make sure to adhere to them. This may include:

  • Fasting before surgery: In many cases, you may be told by your doctor not to eat or drink after a specific time before the procedure.
  • Preparing for anesthesia: That’s why if you take general anesthesia, you may have to discontinue certain medications, vitamins or supplements several days before the surgery.
  • Pre-surgical hygiene: Your surgeon may tell you to use antibacterial soap, or do some other cleaning process the night before the operation.

How Long Does It Take to Get Pre-Op Clearance?

The time taken to get the pre-op clearance depends with your medical history and type of surgery and tests that may be called for. Consequently, getting pre–operative clearance should preferably be done 1 – 2 weeks before the surgery. However, if there are time consuming tests or advisory from physiologist or other specialists, then the time will be longer. This process though should ideally be done as early as possible to refrain from complications.

Finding Pre-Op Clearance Providers in Las Vegas

Vegas has a lots of doctors who can give you that clearance before you undergo the surgery. Some options include:

  • University Medical Center of Southern Nevada: Famous for extending every facility to the medical fraternity and offering all-round medical services to patients.
  • Nevada Surgery and Cancer Center: Has pre-surgical assessment conveniences and collaborates with many other practitioners.
  • Las Vegas Medical Group: Delivers both routine and basic health care services and assessments to clients planning to undergo different operations.
  • There are also many hospital or surgical center where your operation is planned can also provide a preoperative clearance service as a part of the process.


It is important to be in the best health as are possible before getting surgery and as a result, it is necessary to get pre-operation clearance in Las Vegas. If one pays close attention — starting with a consultation with your general practitioner, go for the demanded lab works, then check up with a specialist if necessary — measures should be taken to avoid mishaps and ensure a perfect healing process. To have the best chance of having surgery that is successful begin the process early and talk with your healthcare providers.

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