Paul Jaramillo2 years ago Ecommerce is so lonely! - One of the things I love about a job (even a self employed gig like delivery driving) is that you can discuss the work with people online on reddit/facebook etc. I've shared so many invaluable tips and tricks as a amazon delivery drivers and increased my earnigs, reduced my outgoings. But damn... on ecommerce you are ALONE. You have to be so guarded with your website/industry/funnel. Right now, I've increase my sales quite substantially. For January the website is actually doing very good. Just before christmas, I put in 12 SKUs (introduced a whole new category of products basically). Improved pictures and the sales have increased pretty nicely. I am pinching myself constantly because my January sales is performing better than December, and I'm doubting myself thinking this is just a blimp. I really want to show my website to someone and get a 2nd opinion. But I know it's just not a good idea. Anyone can just see you site, look up ways to dropship your products and you've just helped introduce a competitor in the market. Anyone else feel that way? Your friends are clueless about ecommerce, and even online in closed communities - you have to wear a mask and keep things close to your chest.70