Hal Bodhia month agoI’ve been friends with a girl for 5 years, and over time, I've developed romantic feelings for her. We met in college and became very close, sharing everything with each other. After college, we’ve drifted a bit, and we don’t talk as much anymore. In these months, I’ve realized that I’m in love with her, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t feel the same way. I’ve never picked up on any romantic signals from her, and I worry that confessing might make her uncomfortable or damage our friendship. I’m torn between the urge to tell her how I feel, as keeping it inside is eating away at me, and the fear of ruining the friendship if she doesn’t feel the same. I’m also concerned that she might feel betrayed by me changing my feelings after all this time. Should I confess, or is it better to keep it to myself and protect the friendship?134